And that's just me, I know plenty of kids who are taking 6 or 7 or even 8 exams.

And the principal's on the announcements reminding us daily to register for the exam. She goes into a lengthy explanation on why taking the exams will escalate your career as a student. But most of her reasons aren't really reasons at all.
A) They'll get you college credit.
Uhh, yeah, at a select number of schools. A very small amount will give you the credits for the class that you took the exam and got a 5 on. Most schools will only accept 5's, and even less will accept 4's. None will accept 3's. So a 3's a passing grade, but it does nothing for you
B) Colleges will nod approvingly when they see that you took, wow ten exams when you were in high school.
Will it make your resume look better? Perhaps.
Will it be the difference between acceptance and rejection? I highly doubt it.
C) Good practice.
86 dollars to improve your test-taking skills guys! What a deal!
D) Broaden Your Intellectual Horizons
Need I say anything?
And if you opt out of taking the exams, well, then, sorry, but you're a screw up. Go fudge up some other school's statistics cuz we sure don't want your lousy numbers here! Go on, GO.
Me, personally, well I gotta say, I'm pretty gosh darn essited to be taking these tests. I mean, yeah I know, my parents and teachers will be harping on me to study. Yes, I know I'll probably look around at the papers and booklets and study guides that are strewn across my room, and I'll probably have a stress-induced mental breakdown, but I know that it'll be worth it in the end.
After all, three hours of test taking will surely leave its positive mark.
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