Sunday, September 27, 2009

"Too many of today's children have straight teeth and crooked morals."


If you walk down the hall of an average high school, and even one that's not so average, you'll hear everybody discussing topics that, well...don't even really matter.

Very few teens ever stress themselves out about politics, religion, and other debates that tend to raise some nerves. Everyone, it seems, doesn't like to debate in fear that somebody might get mad.

The day after President Obama made his "stay in school" speech, I was sitting in a 3rd hour class that I'm not normally in. The teacher of that class asked why everyone had been talking during the speech. One girl scoffed and rolled her eyes at his remark. "Because it's something we've all heard before," she said. Everybody, at once, backed her up.

"Well, through out his speech I heard you guys talking about things I've heard all before," he said, "Your plans for the weekend, who's dating who how is that more crucial than the President's address specifically to you guys?"

He continued talking about how we care too much about the trivial things in life, and not enough about what really matters, but by that point people had just tuned him out, and I began to feel some sympathy towards him. He, honestly, was just trying to get us more interested in becoming more mature and caring more about the important things of life.

It's really pretty pathetic how interested we are in things that really don't matter at all. That aren't going to make a difference in our lives, and yet they're the things we concern ourselves over the most. It's pretty rare to find a teenager who cares more about who won the last senate elections more than the recent news of how straight-A Jill turned out to be a total slut.

Do I care about Obama's policy on foreign relations? Sorry, no.
Do I care when Panic at the Disco's new CD is coming out? HELL YES.

See, this whole entire blog is just ironic. All I'm really doing is giving an example of how teenagers care about things that don't matter. I'm a teenager, and if you looked at my list of priorities you might find that some of my tops should really be at the bottom and vice versa.

So let's pause here for a brief moment and evaluate what I've just said. Basically, I've talked compared a teen's depth to the kiddie pool over at Noelridge. Which is not such a nice thing to compare it to, but hey, it's just my honest opinion.

I feel like giving a teenager a blog is also like giving them free rein to post whatever trivial topics they feel fit to talk about. Just look at this one.

1 comment:

  1. Is Obama's speech anymore important than Jill being a slut? The answer depends on your perspective. Honestly, does it really affect us teens? No. Since we don't care about it, we won't listen to it. Because we don't listen to it, it won't affect us.

    Jill, on the other hand, might have a big impact. If I were a lonely boy, Jill might be some big news :)

    Also, don't be so closed minded to cut out other animals. Insects, the most most common animal, are probably more concerned about Jill. They don't care what Obama has to say, in fact, they probably can't even understand him.

    However, the insects may be forced to see Jill naked in their home, especially if Lonely Boy is into Envirotica...
