Everyday before I go to school, there's a certain process that I undergo before I deem myself fit to walk the halls of my high school amongst my friends. Of course, appearance is a major priority. I'm not going to bullshit you and say I don't care what people think of me because I sure as hell do. Occasionally I'll pull the whole no make up, lazy thing and walk into school looking like crap, but for the most part, I try to keep up with my looks. Make up, an extensive decision making process over what outfit I'm going to wear (although 98% of the time I end up pulling something out, last minute and just deciding it looks all right), and at least 10 minutes devoted to making my hair look at least half way decent.
-What goes on my face-
I also take at least 5 minutes thinking up of reasons why that particular day will happen to be a good day. I call it my "Moment of optimism". Somebody once told me that if you wake up in the morning and decide that you're going to have a good day, then you'll end up being more positive and your day just may end up turning out all right after all. As opposed to waking up in the morning thinking such things as.."fuck today", as I have many a morning, cursing the schools for making it start so early. I don't know how much basis there was behind this so called "fact", but I thought it sounded logical enough, so I thought I'd give it a try. Also, as those who know me well will tell you, I'm a bit of a pessimist, so I thought a positive start to my day could only do me some good. It's really pretty disappointing when I can only think up reasons why that particular day holds no appeal to me.
It's a sad life
Before finally making my way upstairs, I take a moment or two assessing what of my homework I have and haven't done. And then I try and figure out which classes I'm going to do each in. Most of the time, I end up going to bed doing a good 90% less of what I should have done. Slacking is in my genetics, there's really nothing I can do to alter the way nature made me. Sorry teachers/Mom/Dad/every friend I've given a belated gift to/taken forever to burn a CD for. Tsk tsk.
Then I either eat breakfast if I have time to, or grab something to eat at school. There are times where I have neither something to eat at home or school, so I go hungry and pray for lunch to come quickly, which it never seems to do, leaving only me and an angry stomach.
It seems that the things that make your day terrible are what happens in that time between waking up and classes.
Mornings are never my favorite part of the day and I feel like life would become significantly better once waking up at 5:45 becomes a problem that I don't have to deal with.
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