Laaaaddyyyyyyy Gagaaa, oh you, with your rock star pin up girl look. You've completely abandoned your Italian roots and turned into our pop culture's new Madonna.
I really do believe that she is one of today's most underrated artists. She's the perfect example of the American dream. Lady Gaga literally went from being nobody to being...well, Lady Gaga, rich, famous, and full of talent, and talented she is. She sounds just as great live as she does on her CD's. She has been playing the piano since she was only four years old.
Her claim to fame didn't just happen overnight. No. It took time and commitment and perseverance. In one interview I saw of her she admits that she was sometimes boo'ed off stage at some clubs she sang at; however, she didn't let this get to her.
Lady Gaga is completely and totally bizarre. She's out there, in her looks, in her music, in her actions and words and just...everything. Her outfits get her all the attention that they're meant to attract, and at least part of the reason why she's always done up so crazily is, no denying it, attention.

and her videos and songs are outrageous. Almost all her songs are about sex or have sexual references in them.
Example: "I'm not bluffin with my muffin."
"I want your psycho, your vertical stick."
"Baby, if it's love, if it's not rough it isn't fun."
"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang."
She herself admits that sex isn't something that she holds too serious. She's made it very clear before that she goes both ways, and that she's just lookin' to have some fun with some good lookin' people. She says that what she looks for in a partner is (and I quote), "A big dick."
Although I don't at all agree with her lifestyle choices, I can't help but have some respect for her. It's hard for me to come up with any other major names that have risen up from completely nothing and become something as big as Lady Gaga is now.
holy cowww she was soooo good! it's weird, i just blogged about her too!