Vintage clothing, retro trinkets, old fashioned styles.
That seems to be the direction in which current fashion is headed, and I can't say I'm complaining at all. I feel all that stuff is more classy and more high end than the current, simple, blue jean-tshirt wearing ways of society.
I personally wouldn't mind wearing a nice dress everyday. Or cute A-line skirts that does wonders for my body.

There's a certain charm that a classic car or an article of clothing from another era has. I don't know what does it, maybe it's the natural fading it seems to posses, but I find it really alluring.
I like old fashioned clothing, as well. I love lace and ruffles and feminine pinks and natural beiges, retro blacks, or crisp whites.
I would love to be able to travel back in time to be able to go shopping. Preferably the early 60's. Get my hair done at a salon, get my nails done, then get my make up done. Buy a camera and some film, and take old fashioned pictures. Make a film using a 60's video recorder. Buy a bunch of old records and a record player and transport them with me to the future.
Get my room some new, cute accessories. Perhaps a new bedspread, and a cute rug or two. Buy retro looking, space age furniture. Some silver platform boots.
Another era I wouldn't mind going back in time to would probably be the 40's or the 50's. I feel like those 20 years were just two decades of really well dressed people. 40's through the 60's were just a good time in American history, fashion-wise, anyways. Designers really should have just stopped progressing clothing since then, I feel that body shapes (up until the 60's anyway), were more realistic than they are nowadays. At least back in the 60's big boobs weren't a must. Women who were waif thin were also expected to have consistency throughout. How the hell are girls supposed to be size twos while still filling their tops up nicely?
Music was also awesome, we went from big band, to swing bands, to British bands.
What a time. Really. Can I just take a step back in a time machine? Best birthday gift ever: big, bad time machine, with room enough to bring back all sorts of goodies, big and small back to the future with me.
Anyway, as I said before, there's just something about that cute 50's era skirt and top with the ruffles and lace in that creamy, faded beige color that possesses some awesome charm.
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