As I wrote my essay about Puritans for my APUS history exam (which was not a pleasant time for me. I am not a big fan of taking tests.) I just remember that I kept thinking, I really wish I had a time machine...
I'd buy myself a pilgrim-y looking dress make myself look awesome, and go back in time and bring my camera along with me and take a bunch of pictures of Puritan society. The making myself look awesome part of this fantasy of mine serves the purpose of looking like a societal elite. So that they might take me more seriously than if they thought I was some lower class impoverished scum. I'm actually not too sure if social classes were established in the very first Puritan colonies, which just goes to show on how much I don't know about US history.
Another thing I'd do is go back to the 60's and shake hands and take pictures with the Beatles. I'd go back to their low scale, pub playing days where their sound was a lot like popular American, Elvis inspired bands. Before they were signed. When Brian Epstein (the man with the perfect voice) was still their manager.
Then after having accomplished this, I'd go back to the days where Christianity and Islam had yet to exist and take a picture with Jesus. Then I'd probably try selling it on ebay.
After doing this, I'd take a picture with Julius Caesar. I actually don't know how plausible this is. Keep in mind, he was an emperor. He was royal from birth, so I feel like my execution may very well happen if I try to get near him. Should I tell him that his death was imminent and that his very companions were the ones who were going to cause this? Should I tell him to listen to the man who told him to beware the ides of March? Should I tell him that his last words would be "et tu Brute?" Nahhh, I'd just history take its course.
To do all this I feel like I'd also have to speak the language. And Latin, I've heard, is a quite challenging language to master. I figure taking along one of those English to (insert language here) books wouldn't do. They'd call my bluff.
I'd also try to talk to William Shakespeare. And see if my modern English could possibly be understood by his intellect.
Places I'd stay away from: The Spanish Inquisition. If they were already accusing people of fraternizing with the Devil, then I doubt my carrying around a mysterious boxy contraption that mysteriously flashed and then showed the photograph of the very person who'd stood in front of the flash would help my cause much.
Salem, Massachusetts circa 1692, same story, basically.
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