Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Summer, Please Last Forever

Whoever invented senioritis also needs to come up with a word to describe the feeling that those left behind by their senior friends after they've all gone to college are suffering from.

Which is what I'll be suffering from come August.

This year, I went through big changed when it came to my friends. I lost some a group of people who I'd been friends with for many years. It was hard. Change always is, but I got through it with the help of some of my other friends.

I'd also been gradually becoming closer to some girls in my AP Psychology class. Both of whom were seniors. One actually ended up moving to Montana, which was depressing, but the other is right here and still with me. And along with her I have made 5 new senior friends, friends who I've grown extremely close to. I can hang out with each one of them one on one with the conversation flowing and flowing, no lulls. And when there are, they're comfortable, as if we're taking a moment to enjoy each other's company.

They're a virtuous group of people. Not virtuous in a conservative sort of way, but more in the way that they've got a good set of morals. I have never engaged in a gossip session with any of them. None of them have ever said anything bad about the other. It's comforting, to know that your doting, loving friends will always be your doting, loving friends regardless of whether or not you're around. They're also the most relaxed group of girls I have ever hung out with. They're almost like guys when it comes to the "drama" factor. If things happen, such as going to a best friend's hosue for a birthday bonfire, only to have your best friend leave the bonfire for another person's house and everyone go their separate ways. "We all just rolled our eyes and got over it."

I'm also going to miss all the casual hang outs we've had. Where we'll just go to somebody's house and just sit and talk and talk. When we'll rent really stupid, cheesy chick flicks and laugh at them the whole time and make predictions on what's about to happen next. When we'll go to wal mart and buy tons of delicious snacks.

I'll also really miss all the parties we've had, dinner parties, parties where I have no idea who anybody there is, but I get to meet new people, so it's all good kinda parties. All the times we've put on our nice things, and gone to nice restaurants. All the times where we've gone to my friend's boyfriend's friends' house, who were former Kennedy graduates on a late Saturday night and played cards and laughed and just had an all around good time.

I'll miss my chaffeur friend too. One of my senior friends gives me rides to school every single morning, and occasionally in the afternoons as well. I'll miss that daily debriefing we had. We got so close in that small Honda Civic of hers. It was basically the batmobile. Where most cars have "D" for drive on their gear shift, hers had a batsymbol. And the little "H" on the back of her car (the Honda symbol) was flaming.

I'll miss dissing on eachother's taste in music. I'll miss her trying to find new bands for me to listen to, and I'll miss trying to persuade her to give my music a chance, a feat she'd never be able to accomplish.

There are a lot of things I'm going to miss about my friends. Their little quirks that I won't ever be able to find in any other person. Their unique traits that make them who they are and that make me love them. I love them and I'm going to miss them.

Oh, Jeez. I'm tearing up now, so this is going to stop now.

1 comment:

  1. we will miss you too you little foreigner!!!! we love you!!!!
