Why is everybody so intrigued and fascinated by the lives of celebrities?
The other day, I was at work and my coworker, a woman who's probably 30...ish? Anyways, she's a talker. I'm a talker, so I know what that's like, but this lady blows me out of the water completely. She will not shut up. I really feel sorry for all those poor customers who go through her lane. All they want is to get their items checked out, instead they get a 15 minute summary of how "Those cookies you're buying...Ohhh my God, I love 'em. Can't get enough. Ate so many I almost threw up last week" (awkward laugh) "Yeah you know they say that the chocolate in them..." And that continues on and on and on until finally God relieves you of your suffering and your receipt prints.
Hallelujah, you're free to go.
Well, this lady, not only does she love to talk, but she loves her some celebrity gossip. Be it in the form of a trashy tabloid, late night Hollywood show, or email updates, she gets 'em somehow. And if I stumble upon the misfortune of being in the lane next to hers, I always get an update, too. Each time, I explain to her, that I really don't care if Kristen Stewart or Robert Pattinson are actually engaged, or if it's just a rumor. I don't care how many women Tiger Woods cheated on his wife with or how much the divorce settlement's going to be, or how Angelina Jolie's relationship with Brad Pitt's on the rocks.
I'm not really all that savvy when it comes to Hollywood and its going ons. I found out about Tiger Woods from my driver's ed teacher, and any follow ups I heard were from my peers at school. I've never subscribed to people magazine, either.
I just don't see the big deal in celebrity gossip. I honestly do not care about these people. They do me a service, yes, they entertain me, but I don't really want to know anything further than that. I don't really care to know if my dentist's wife is suspected of cheating on him, I don't care to know if waitress who serves me is planning on leaving her husband, really I don't. The same goes for the singers I listen to and the actors and actresses I watch.
I do, however, feel very sorry for them. What they do seems respectable enough (in most cases), they act, I suppose, because they want to act. Just like some of us want to become doctors and writers and astronauts, they follow their dreams of being entertainers, in the form of singing or acting or sports or whatever. The point I'm trying to make is that, I find it so stupid when people try to justify their nosy curiosity by saying, "Oh, well, if they didn't want all this publicity they shouldn't have become famous."
Okay, yep. Sorry, Jennifer Garner, but the only way that you're going to finally attain some privacy is by switching careers. Tiger Woods, you're just going to have to suck at golf for you private life to become obscured from the world.
I'm not saying that what they do is necessarily good, I mean, it's quite obvious that Tiger Woods' screwed up big time, if all they say is true, but that doesn't mean that he should be forced to hang his dirty laundry in public.
It just seems grossly unfair. Problems become so much harder to deal with once more people know about them. I can easily understand why no celebrity relationships last. How could they? Every move, every glance, and every quote is anaylzed until something out of that can satisfy the angle that the certain tabloid is going for.
Well, at least they have PR's.

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