You know what really gets to me, what really makes me angry? When people accuse me of something that I'm not guilty of. Recently, I've been accused of hating gay people.
The finger was pointed in my face and this person was so certain in their accusation, as if they could see right into my brain. As if they knew me better than I knew myself.
I had been talking about a protest against a protest that my friend was going to. A church was planning on protesting the production of The Laramie Project. A play about the unjust murder of a homosexual. I was retelling what my friend had told me about the protest.
The person I was talking to about it scoffed and said, "Why do you all of a sudden care so much about gay rights?"
WHEN had I ever not cared? I asked. To which they responded, "You used to think that being gay was awful, Asmaa. I remember you said that word for word."
What. The. Hell.
This was so not fair. Putting me on the spot like that in front of everyone. Spitting out a serious accusation that was so untrue it made my head want to explode right then and there. I was shaking. Shaking with anger at such a terrible indictment that was spit in my face.
I just want to make it clear that I honestly do believe that gay people should share the rights that everyone else has. The government has no right to intrude on matters of social affairs. If we are such a capitalistic nation then the government should go all out "laissez faire" on such a motion, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.
I don't necessarily agree with a gay lifestyle, although, I don't agree with a republican lifestyle, I don't agree with a Christian lifestyle, I don't agree with an atheist lifestyle. But do I hate Christian, Republicans, Atheists? Do I believe that they should have their rights taken away from them? Not at all. Hell no.
Then as I tried to make my point, I was told to calm down, and that it wasn't a big deal. So I was basically denied the chance to get my point across.
I just can't stand people who think that they know you, and form an idea about you in their head that's based very little on reality. Letting thoughts fester like that is bound to produce something smelly and unlike the original.
So to all you who don't love who the government says you should love, well, you can have my support to your civil liberties and a hug.

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