Lately I have been suffering. Suffering badly. Writer's block, they call it. I am a writer. My writing ability has been blocked off. Therefore, I am suffering from writer's block. And I wasn't lying about it sucking. Because it does. Suck. A whole lot.
It's not that I can't come up with ideas to write about-I can-it's just that I can't seem to word those ideas. Even when given a topic by my teachers, even when I have to write an essay about Theodore Roosevelt and his progressivist reforms for my APUSH class, I can't seem to spit the words that I want to use out, or at least make it sound somewhat okay.
So I try, patiently, to make the story flow better, to use better vocab, and to mix up my word choice. I find that I'm unable to. And then I become frustrated. Once I become frustrated my fingers fly across the keyboard and I begin typing nonsense words.
And once the nonsense words start, well, I might as well just stop whatever I'm doing, but I know it's only going to go downhill from there. I've gotta save what I have, "x" out of the word document, or whatever it is I'm writing on, and come back later when I can think more clearly.
I figured a post about writer's block wouldn't hurt. I thought that maybe talking about it would be some sort of solution.

We'll see.
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